Meet our Impact Camp mentors: Alex Pesch

Helsinki Challenge is heading to the next stage. At the Helsinki Challenge Impact Camp 9th–10th April 2015, 20 amazing challenge teams be given a new question to solve: what is the actual impact we are aiming for with our solution? Who benefits from our solution and how? With whom and how can we reach our goals? Is this solution idea the right one to reach the desired impact, or do we need something completely different?

At the Impact Camp, various stakeholders and experts both from abroad and Finland will join the Helsinki Challenge teams. It's a unique chance for experts and stakeholders to participate in Helsinki Challenge, co-create with teams and be a part of the future of science. Meet one of them!

Alex Pesch: Insights into the future of biotechnology

Stanford alumnus Alex Pesch is a founder at biotech startup Synthego, and has a background in engineering, mechanical design and product design. Synthego is changing the future of biotech by integrating science, engineering and software, with experience in areas such as robotics and space technology, as well as technologies for DNA sequencing and life extension.

Synthego is turning biology into an information science by building hardware that abstracts biological syntheses and research into the software realm. The company creates innovative new technology that enables automated "smart research facilities."

Alex Pesch: näköaloja biotekniikan tulevaisuuteen

Alex Pesch on insinööri ja Stanfordin kasvatti. Pesch on aiemmin ollut tutkijana Stanfordissa ja nyt mukana bioteknologian startupissa Synthegossa, joka yhdistää tiedettä, insinööriosaamista ja ohjelmointia: yrityksen tarkoituksena on muuttaa biotekniikan tulevaisuus. Synthegon asiantuntijoilla on kokemusta insinööriosaamisen jännittävimmistä puolista, kuten avaruusraketeista ja robotiikasta. Yritys on työskennellyt myös biotieteiden parissa ja kehittänyt esimerkiksi mikroskooppiteknologiaa geenitutkimuksen tarpeisiin. Teknologia-alalle Peschillä on annettavana kehitysosaamista ja suoria näkemyksiä ideasta lopputulokseen.